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TAOlife - Onlinekurs


9 months TAO on TOUR!
The unique online
for mindfulness and awareness in everyday life

starts on Dec. 12, 2020

Our unique one
"Exclusive TAOlife online course"
- for a new consciousness in everyday life -
starts on Dec. 12, 2020

The unique, intensive, exclusive and unique ONLINE COURSE " on tour" live right through and out of the "life" that you allow the essence of TAO - T otality , A wareness   & O neness - to integrate it into your everyday life and to let it become an everyday permanent reality on your "life journey".



Our vision for the new consciousness :


People, who from the awareness of the "true nature"

in yourself and in all life around you

with a natural ease and with an inner smile

encounter - t otal, aware alleins!


Would you like to as well ...



  • integrate the "true essence" of the nature of all being into your life as a constant stable perception,

  • Free yourself from conscious and unconscious limitations of negative beliefs and behaviors,

  • thereby bring more lightness, joy, serenity and inner stability into your everyday experience,

  • in order to D enjoy life from a relaxed inner state of "flowing with life" and

  • immerse yourself in the immeasurable abundance, joy, life force and love of BEING in the moment?


Do you know that ...



  • Despite honest efforts and a firm decision, it is moderately to difficult for you to implement the knowledge you have gained and the perspectives that expand your consciousness in your everyday situations

  • Your wonderful, fulfilling "spiritual" sensations and experiences have suddenly disappeared in your everyday life ,

  • You will experience how difficult it is sometimes for you to give space and time to your spiritual SELF development

  • You feel this inner longing to give expression to the "true nature" of all being in all areas of your life and wish to be able to "stick with it"

  • You long for a benevolent, clear guidance and support on your way ......

........ then this is the course for YOU!


In unserem "Exklusiv TAOlife Onlinekurs für ein neues BewusstSEIN im Alltag" erhältst Du während 41 Wochen tiefgehene "Ein-Blicke" und neue "Sicht-Weisen", wie es gelingen kann, den alltäglichen Herausforderungen und "Höhen und Tiefen" mit einem friedvollem Geist, mit heiterer Gelassenheit, einem inneren Lächeln und mit einem liebevollen Herzen zu begegnen.


Vor allem aber erlebst Du die "Kraft" von Wu Wei - dem "einfach sein - geschehen lassen und mit dem Leben fließen" und erfährst immer wieder aufs Neue, wie einzigartig, vollkommen wundervoll und großartig das "große Ganze", das TAO,  sich in Dir, durch Dich und in allem was ist, entfaltet. 

"Nur durch Achtsamkeit und Bewusstheit finden wir zu uns SELBST und 

 kommen wieder mit der uns angeborenen "wahren Natur" in Kontakt!" 


Es gibt keine Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an diesem einzigartigen ONLINEKURS. Auch wenn Du Dich noch nie mit Meditation oder dergleichen beschäftigt hast, werden wir Dich mit unseren "TAO-Impulsen" Schritt für Schritt durch diese "Reise" führen.


Uns auf unseren TAO-Touren zu begleiten und dies für DICH zu einem "Begleitet sein" werden zu lassen, dazu laden wir Dich von Herzen ein!


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The topics / training sections and regions of the tour:


The topics / training sections and regions of the tour:

The topics / training sections and regions of the tour:

The topics / training sections and regions of the tour:


  • Von Achtsamkeit zu innerer Präsenz

  • Tiefe Stille - Weiter Raum

  • Von innerer Präsenz zu Aufmerksamkeit

  • Von Aufmerksamkeit zu GewahrSEIN


  • Was bleibt, wenn ich alles ablege

  • Finde den Zeugen

  • Die 5. Dimension


  • TAO "Harmonie" 

  • TAO "Transzendenz"

  • TAO "SEIN im Tun"

  • TAO "Leben"

what is unique about
online training "TAO ~ Life"

  our motivation  

  what it is not  

 Was unseren 
TAOlife Online - Kurs

so besonders macht

Unlike other online offers, which are filmed in advance and then sold in reproduced form, both the "Exclusive TAOlife online course for mindfulness and awareness in everyday life" and the "TAO online RETREATS" LIVE are created during our tours on foot, with the van by bike, over the mountains, in the desert, along the seas and on rivers and lakes! On the one hand, it will arise through the interactive exchange and your questions with you and will be specially tailored to you, on the other hand, the "direction" leads as always the 'flow of life', the TAO, which shows itself differently on our journey every day will always make us new offers to "capture" it for impulses and suggestions in pictures and exercises - in the sense of: "the best teacher is life, the best teacher is nature!"

TAOlife9m Online-Kurs

What you in
TAO on TOUR - online offer
expected or you will receive :

    You will :

  • SEIN for 9 months or several weeks on the Totality Awareness Oneness Path

        and get :  

  • continuous daily * support and training

  • daily * a TAO daily impulse with TAO reflections

  • daily * a common meditation, mindfulness, awareness exercise in the special "power places" of the world

  • daily * a "1 minute TAOwhisper time out" -

  • daily * exclusive live blog for active participation
    our TOUR in pictures and videos

  • TAO - body u. Breathing exercises

       additionally in the " Exclusive TAOlife online course ":

  • all tour sections

  • 1 hour video teaching once a week

  • 1x per month an online life meeting via Jitsi (or Zoom)

  • the opportunity to send us your questions and to answer them in general as part of the daily impulses or TAO teachings

  • optional ** personal support and assistance via email or video coaching

* depending on internet reception
** extra charge

Weshalb der
TAOlife Online - Kurs
41 Wochen dauert

Unlike other online offers, which are filmed in advance and then sold in reproduced form, both the "Exclusive TAOlife online course for mindfulness and awareness in everyday life" and the "TAO online RETREATS" LIVE are created during our tours on foot, with the van by bike, over the mountains, in the desert, along the seas and on rivers and lakes! On the one hand, it will arise through the interactive exchange and your questions with you and will be specially tailored to you, on the other hand, the "direction" leads as always the 'flow of life', the TAO, which shows itself differently on our journey every day will always make us new offers to "capture" it for impulses and suggestions in pictures and exercises - in the sense of: "the best teacher is life, the best teacher is nature!"

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Process of the "TAOlife online course" or the "TAO online retreats"

  • After receipt of your registration or receipt of payment (in the case of monthly payment after receipt of the first partial amount) you will receive the password for logging into the course portal reserved for you

  • The course portal for the "TAOlife online course" will be accessible to you from November 15, 2020 and will provide you with initial information and training content in preparation. For the "TAO online retreats" the course portal opens 14 days before the start of the retreat.

  • The respective training content for your booked course / retreat - TAO daily meditation - TAO mindfulness and awareness exercise - TAO daily impulse / reflection - 1 minute TAOwhisper time-out meditation - and the daily "Exclusive Life Blog" to actively experience our TOUR in pictures and videos are created EVERY DAY and are available for you DAILY in the course portal .

  • The training content of each day of the course can be called up individually and remains available to you for the duration of the entire course . So you can easily catch up on a "TAO day" you may have missed, repeat individual exercises several times or go through several "TAO days" at once and determine your "practice pace" yourself .

  • For the entire duration of the "TAOlife online course" you can access a "video teaching" once a week via your course portal and take part in a "life meeting" with Barbara and Harald once a month.

FACTs und FAQs

© 2020 by Harald Noderer & Barbara Fröhlich

Visiting and using the website content is at your own risk and responsibility

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